I've been back in Sydney now for 2 weeks. After the initial relief of being back 'home' I am feeling rather detached. I feel like jumping on another plane, maybe back to South America or somewhere else. I'm feeling conflicted. I am so lucky to have all that I have, to live in Australia, a country full of opportunities and yet something is missing. I feel guilty for not being completely satisfied. I've come back and immersed myself in work, I don't want time to think. I'm glad I have the upcoming solo show to focus on. Its 3 weeks away. I'm sending off the work to Melbourne next week. I'm putting on the finishing touches to the work, last minute tidy ups and thinking about the installation and hanging. The little book I've self-published to coincide with the exhibition has been printed and I finally got to see the finished product yesterday. I don't know how to feel. Hopefully people will connect with my work and what I've tried to achieve. I didn't set out to make political work or make some all important comment on multiculturalism, its just me trying to tell my story...my way. I'm not sure what propels me to make work that can at times be very personal, or at least leaves me feeling embarrassingly exposed. At least when I feel like that, I know I've been honest.
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