
It's a (Bloody) Good time to be Black are a series of self-portraits, which explore my personal concerns of authenticity, legitimacy and identity.
Has history ever shown it is a good time to be part of a minority? Is skin colour like everything else now; just a fashion, a trend? How can I talk about my experience of being of mixed race from a relative position of privilege? Where can I position my voice when history, art and popular culture are dominated by the African-American experience?
It is only through the one-on-one conversations I have with my reflection in the mirror that I feel able to explore these questions.
The act of putting on a face and acting up in front of the camera allows me the freedom to embody alternative identities, which take up historical and cultural themes. In each transformation, I am seeking to come closer to my Afro-Uruguayan roots; to link with the ancestors I know so little about.
The photographs themselves are small and dark, covered in black ink, scratched and scarred. The facial expressions suggest the poses were captured in mid-movement; more like sequential stills from a performance captured on video. Simultaneously fascinating, curious and disturbing, these images are an intensely personal exploration of self.